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We create websites of any complexity, our websites help to develop your business.

Years of successful work
Amazing projects
Return customers

Types of websites

Promotional website development

Promotional website development shows the information about the product or service with narrow focus. In other words such website is the great presentation of your business which is designed to increase sales. Promotional website can be also the place to advertise the temporary campaign with the limited duration. Such sites are the best conversion tool for the fast and effective sales launch.

From 2 weeks
From 450 $

Multiple landing pages development

The way of creating multiple landing pages is used for geography-specific promotion. The promo-page is adapted to each city in certain area or region. So the benefit is geography-specific SEO-promotion and cheap Internet traffic from PPC advertising. The photo and the name of the native city stimulates customers to order more on such websites. This kind of sites is good for business which is designed to target the certain area, region or city.

From 1 week
From 1000$

Corporate website development

This type is one of the most popular among others. Corporate website is the company’s image, its design has a direct impact on the potential clients and business-partners and brand loyalty. The high quality of design takes the site to a whole new level of income. Our Pear Advert team can provide the good way of communication between you and your client and it is the key to success.

From 4 weeks
From 1250$

Development the website for online shop

The website for the online shop is the analogue for the offline shop, but in comparison with the offline shop it requires fewer resources. There is no need of the storage, the place to rent, cashbox and store assistants.The business processes are implemented with the help of the website. The customer chooses the goods at the virtual storefront, pays for the goods, gets the receipt and waits for the delivery. This type of sites will be good for you if you have a wide range of goods in different categories.

From 4 weeks
From 1150$

Stages of work

Analytics and engineering
Unique web design
Desktop publishing and layouts animation
Uploading the site to the server of the client
Functional programming and CMS connection
Content management
Teaching the clients how to use administration system

Websites building

Our websites are the best

Websites development is very important part of our work, we are improving ourselves to be able to provide the high-quality service for our clients.

Before the site building process we conduct the detailed study of the work area, analyze Internet resources of your business rivals and evaluate the economic efficiency. The whole complex of work takes from several weeks to a month depends on the difficulty of design and capability.

Each company which plans to have online activity is interested in a good service of website development. It is very complicated process ranging from unique design development to building the administrative console.

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